Data Types and Variables in JavaScript: A Comparative Study

Data Types and Variables in JavaScript: A Comparative Study image


What are the basic data types in JavaScript?

JavaScript has several basic data types including Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String, Symbol (introduced in ES6), and BigInt (recent addition for large integers). Additionally, JavaScript handles functions, arrays, and objects as complex data types.

How does JavaScript differentiate between integers and floating-point numbers?

JavaScript does not differentiate between integers and floating-point numbers; it represents both using the Number type. This means both integer values like 5 and floating-point values like 5.5 are treated as the same data type.

Can variables in JavaScript change their data type?

Yes, JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means variables can change their data type during execution. For instance, a variable initially holding a string can later store a number.

What is the significance of ‘undefined’ in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, ‘undefined’ is a value that a variable holds when it has not been assigned a value. It is different from ‘null’, which is a deliberate non-value assigned by the programmer.

How do ‘null’ and ‘undefined’ differ in JavaScript?

Null’ is an assigned value that means “no value”. ‘Undefined’ means a variable has been declared but not defined with any value. Essentially, ‘null’ is an intentional absence of any value, while ‘undefined’ states that the variable itself has not been initialized.

What is the purpose of the ‘typeof’ operator in JavaScript?

The ‘typeof’ operator in JavaScript is used to determine the type of a variable or an expression. It returns a string indicating the data type of the evaluated operand. For example, ‘typeof “Hello”‘ returns ‘string’.

Are arrays considered a basic data type in JavaScript?

No, arrays are not considered a basic data type in JavaScript. They are classified as objects, which are a complex data type. Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable.

How does JavaScript handle numeric precision and what are the limitations?

JavaScript handles numeric precision up to a certain limit. It can accurately represent numbers up to 15 digits. Beyond that, the precision can get lost. For very large integers, JavaScript now supports BigInt, which can handle arbitrary precision.

Why is the ‘let’ keyword preferred over ‘var’ for declaring variables in modern JavaScript?

The ‘let’ keyword is preferred over ‘var’ because it has block-level scope, which makes the code easier to understand and debug. ‘Var’ is function-scoped and can lead to confusion, especially in loops and conditional blocks.

What are template literals in JavaScript and how are they beneficial?

Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions, denoted by backticks (`). They make constructing strings easier and more readable, supporting multi-line strings and string interpolation directly within the literals.
JavaScript Foundations Variables, data types, and operators
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