Strategies for Getting Your Portfolio in Front of Potential Employers

So, you’ve made a stunning portfolio and you’re quite pleased with your remarkable progress so far. Congratulations on that! However, there’s just one more small hurdle to face – how do you get this beautiful specimen of a portfolio in front of potential employers?
1. “If you build it, they will come” – Optimizing with SEO
You might have heard this saying, yes, but remember, we’re not in a cornfield waiting for baseball ghosts. We’re on the internet, and here, if you build it (and optimize it properly), they will come.
So, What Exactly is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is like your website’s secret weapon. Working stealthily behind the scenes, SEO helps your website show up in search engine results.
Without getting too technical (we’re not here to make you curl into a fetal position, not today anyway), let’s just say SEO is like a talent agent, shouting at the top of her lungs, “Hey Google, look at this amazing web developer I found!”.
2. Remember Sherlock? It’s time to be the detective.
Have you ever wondered how Sherlock Holmes would perform in the digital world? The answer is pretty well. Here’s where sleuthing techniques come in handy.
It’s about targeting specific companies that you’d like to work for, finding out who the decision-makers are, and making sure your portfolio lands on their digital desk. It doesn’t guarantee a job, but it significantly increases the chances of your portfolio being seen.
3. Social Media – Not Just For Cat Videos and Funny Memes
It might surprise you, but professionals exist on social media too. Networking is one of the most effective ways to get your portfolio seen by potential employers.
LinkedIn is particularly notorious for this. And, no, you don’t have to wear a three-piece suit or a sophisticated dress while doing this. Well, unless you really want to…for some vague, unexplained reason.
4. The Good Ol’ Email Approach
Emailing your portfolio may feel like you’re blasting it off into a digital abyss, never to be seen or heard from again, but it’s a classic approach that’s worked for many (and by many, I mean prehistoric web developers, ancient artefacts of a world where dial-up was still a thing).
Jokes aside, tailoring your email and make sure it shows the recipient that you’ve put in the effort to understand their company makes a huge difference.
5. Blogging – It’s not just for “How To’s” anymore
Accompany your portfolio with a blog. It keeps your website fresh, allows you to showcase your skills, and further improve your SEO.
Imagine your blog as the cake, and your portfolio as the proverbial cherry on top.
6. Less is More
Don’t exaggerate or fill your portfolio with too many projects. Rather, exhibit few and quality projects. As much as we’d like to think otherwise, employers aren’t exactly bursting with extra time. Get their attention fast with a small selection of your very best work.
Remember, it’s not always the amount of what is seen, but the quality and presentation that hooks potential employers.
Bottom Line
Getting your portfolio in front of potential employers can seem like an intimidating task, but with a bit of SEO, a dash of detective work, a sprinkle of social networking, and a cherry of a blog post on top, you’re well on your way to the world of web development opportunities. Happy coding!