Using PHP for Environmental Variables and Configuration

Every developer knows that one of the invaluable tools in programming is the ability to manipulate environmental variables and configuration using PHP. I assure you by the time we finish this enlightening walk, not only will you become adept at using PHP for environmental variables and configuration, but you will perhaps be able to juggle imaginary ones and zeros in your sleep!
Getting to Know PHP – Your New Best Friend
The first essential step is getting acquainted with PHP on a first-name basis. PHP, by the way, stands for “Please Help, Programmer!” Just kidding! It really stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”.
The Magic of PHP
PHP is our magical sword and shield in the dangerous lands known as the back-end. With PHP, you can create dynamic content, manipulate databases and even pull out mysterious environmental variables from thin air. Now let’s put this magic to work!
The What and Why of Environmental Variables?
But first, you might be wondering what the bleep are environmental variables? Well, let’s imagine we’re on the Starship Enterprise and the Captain tells us to set the environmental controls – temperature, gravity, and let’s throw in the smell of fresh baked cookies – these would be our environmental variables.
In our web development world, environmental variables can hold various types of data or settings that can affect the way an application runs. Environmental variables are god-sent when you don’t want a piece of sensitive data such as database credentials or secret keys to be pried by nefarious eyes.
Digging Into The PHP Toolbox
So how do we start? PHP gives us two superpowers to accomplish this – the ;getenv()> function and the ;$_ENV> superglobal.
Consider ;getenv()> as your friendly neighborhood librarian who hands out information, or in this case, environmental variables when you ask her nicely. Typing ;$path = getenv(‘PATH’);> is like asking, “Hey PHP, can you please let me know what the system PATH is?”
In the PHP world, a superglobal is a variable that is always available, in all scopes. Like Superman, but with fewer muscles and more variables. The ;$_ENV> superglobal allows us access to all environmental variables directly. You can simply fetch a variable by gently asking ;$path = $_ENV[‘PATH’];> to PHP.
Give Me The Power
Now you are ready to make environmental magic happen! Exercise caution though, with great power comes great responsibility. Remember, you are now the Captain of the Starship PHP, and the crew(parents, cats, and future-self) are relying on you to define environmental controls wisely.
Adventure Awaits!
Now that you know how to use PHP for your environmental variables and configuration, a world of coding adventures awaits you. Keep on exploring and remember the key to being a great programmer is to never stop learning or stop laughing!