State Management in JavaScript Without External Libraries

Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Gather around, because we’re about to dive into the confusing, sometimes mind-bogglingly complex world of state management in JavaScript. No need to fret, though – I promise not to leave you hanging, even if you’re feeling as lost as a Christmas elf in the Sahara.
A Quick Nibble on State Management
First off, let’s get a bit of understanding established here. State management in JavaScript is like trying to keep track of how many cookies you’ve eaten while on a sugar high – it’s knowing where you are, what you’re working on, and what the heck you’ll be doing next.Without further ado, let’s get to the meat of the matter.
Main Course: State Management in JavaScript
Why Do We Need State Management?
Imagine you’re working on your "next big thing" JavaScript application and things are getting tricky. You’re juggling data between multiple components, and heaven knows it’s as confusing as an unsolved Rubik’s cube. That’s where state management swoops in, looking heroic as it saves your day – and your sanity.
Meet Local and Session Storage
To manage state, JavaScript platforms provides two baked-in storage options: Local and Session. Think of Local Storage like your backyard shed – it holds onto your stuff until you actively get rid of it. Session Storage, on the other hand, is more of a rental storage unit – keeps your things safe, but as soon as the lease (or, in this case, the browser session) ends, POOF! All your stuff is gone.
Utilizing Local Storage
Using Local Storage in JavaScript is as easy as walking. Perhaps easier, if we’re comparing it to those of us who often find gravity to be a harsh mistress.
Utilizing Session Storage
Meanwhile, Session Storage is also not rocket science.
Behold: Cookies
Cookies in JavaScript aren’t as tasty, but they hold information that persists even between different sessions. They work like tiny elves that remember your preferences. Creating and reading them is a piece of cake, even if you’re more of a pie person yourself.
Using the JavaScript Window Object
Above and beyond Local and Session Storage and cookies, JavaScript kindly bestows upon us another powerful tool – the Window object. It’s like a magical wizard, commanding and controlling the browser’s window.
Alright, team, that’s your crash course in managing state in JavaScript without needing to call on the help of any external libraries. Remember: practice makes permanent, so play around, make a mess – heck, create a coding disaster. Just keep trying, and before you know it, you’ll be a JavaScript state management ninja. Happy coding!