Manipulating HTML Elements Using JavaScript

Manipulating HTML Elements Using JavaScript image


What is DOM in JavaScript?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a programming interface provided by the browser that allows JavaScript to manipulate, structure, and style website content dynamically. Essentially, it represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content.

How do I select an HTML element using JavaScript?

You can select an HTML element in JavaScript using methods like `document.getElementById(‘id’)`, `document.getElementsByClassName(‘className’)`, `document.getElementsByTagName(‘tagName’)`, and `document.querySelector(‘selector’)` for a more versatile approach that can use CSS selectors.

How can I change the style of an HTML element with JavaScript?

To change the style of an HTML element using JavaScript, first select the element and then use the `.style` property to modify its CSS. For example, `document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.backgroundColor = ‘blue’;` changes the element’s background color to blue.

How can I add or remove an HTML element using JavaScript?

To add an HTML element, you can use the `document.createElement()` method to create it and `parentNode.appendChild(childNode)` to add it. To remove an element, select it and use `parentNode.removeChild(element)` on its parent.

How do I modify the content of an HTML element with JavaScript?

You can modify the content of an HTML element using the `innerHTML` or `textContent` properties. `innerHTML` lets you set or get the HTML or XML content inside an element, while `textContent` does the same but only for text content, without HTML tags.

How can I listen to and respond to user events in JavaScript?

Use the `addEventListener` method to listen to events on HTML elements. For example, `element.addEventListener(‘click’, function() { console.log(‘Element clicked!’); });` will execute the provided function when the element is clicked.

How can I animate an HTML element using JavaScript?

You can animate an HTML element by changing its styles over time inside a `setInterval()` or `requestAnimationFrame()` loop. For smoother animations, it’s recommended to use CSS animations or the Web Animations API when possible.

How do I change an element’s class with JavaScript?

To change an element’s class using JavaScript, use the `.className` property or the `.classList` API. `.classList` provides methods like `add()`, `remove()`, and `toggle()` for easier class manipulation.

How do I get or set attributes of an HTML element in JavaScript?

Use the `.getAttribute()` method to retrieve an attribute’s value and the `.setAttribute()` method to set or change an attribute’s value of an HTML element. For removing an attribute, use `.removeAttribute()`.

How do I create and dispatch custom events in JavaScript?

To create and dispatch custom events, use the `CustomEvent` constructor and the `.dispatchEvent()` method. For example, `let event = new CustomEvent(‘myEvent’, { detail: { message: ‘Hello’ } }); element.dispatchEvent(event);` creates and dispatches a custom event with data.
Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation JavaScript Foundations
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