PHP Error Handling: Techniques for a Robust Website

PHP Error Handling: Techniques for a Robust Website image


Q: What is error handling in PHP?

Error handling in PHP involves managing and responding to errors that occur during the execution of a script.

Q: Why is error handling important for a robust website?

Proper error handling ensures that unexpected issues are captured and dealt with gracefully, preventing potential security vulnerabilities and improving the user experience.

Q: What are the different types of errors in PHP?

Errors in PHP can be divided into three main categories: notices, warnings, and fatal errors.

Q: How can you display errors in PHP?

By setting the `display_errors` directive to `On` in the php.ini file or using `ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1)`, errors can be displayed on the screen for debugging purposes.

Q: What is the role of try-catch blocks in error handling?

Try-catch blocks allow you to catch exceptions that are thrown within the try block and handle them gracefully in the catch block.

Q: How do you log errors in PHP?

By configuring the `error_log` directive in php.ini or using `error_log()` function in PHP code, you can log errors to a file or system logger.

Q: What is the difference between `trigger_error()` and `throw new Exception()` in PHP?

trigger_error()` is used to generate a user-level error message, while `throw new Exception()` is used to throw an exception object that can be caught and handled.

Q: How can you handle database-related errors in PHP?

By using methods like `mysqli_error()` or `PDO::errorInfo()` after executing database queries, you can capture and handle database-related errors in PHP.

Q: What is the role of error reporting levels in PHP?

Error reporting levels in PHP determine which types of errors are reported and how they are handled, providing flexibility in managing error messages based on severity.

Q: How can you create custom error handlers in PHP?

By defining custom functions and setting them as error handlers using `set_error_handler()` and `set_exception_handler()` functions, you can customize error handling in PHP.
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