WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies Explained

So, dear beginner web magician, you’ve dabbled in some HTML spells, waved wands of PHP and CSS, even played around with the magical mystery that is JavaScript, and now you’re all ready for the big leagues: WordPress. Then you stumble upon a term that you have not encountered before on your coding journey – ‘Custom Post Types and Taxonomies’. It sounds as if some sort of exotic animal from the jungles of CodeLand, doesn’t it?
Before nodding your head in panic and feeling overwhelmed, grab yourself a cup of code brew (or a hot drink of your choice), sit back, and let me break it down for you. This, my friend, is WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies for Dummies…Wait, I meant beginners.
What are Post Types and Taxonomies?
A ‘post type’ in WordPress is essentially a type of content. By default, WordPress comes with post types like post, page, attachment, and others. However, when the off-the-shelf options don’t meet your requirements, you can create your own. These are essentially the ‘Custom Post Types’.
But, oh no! What if you have a bunch of these custom post types and you need to organize them? Enter our second exotic creature, Taxonomies. A ‘taxonomy’ in WordPress, much less intimidating than it sounds, is a handy way of grouping posts (or post types) together.
Why Use Custom Post Types and Taxonomies?
Ever tried stacking apples, oranges, and bananas all together? A total mess isn’t it? (If you haven’t tried it yet, no fruits were harmed during the writing of this guide). That’s exactly what your website would look like when you try to shove all your different types of content in the same ‘post’ or ‘page’ post type.
Custom post types allow you to separate your apples from your oranges on your website. They offer a way to clearly distinguish different types of content and make them easier to manage. Likewise, taxonomies are there to help you tidy up your website even more. They allow you to group related content together, making it easier for both you and your site visitors to find their way around.
How to Create Custom Post Types
Creating a custom post type in WordPress is as complicated as going fishing with Harry Potter. It requires a bit of a trick, a dramatic swirl of your coding wand, and then shout with all your might, “Accio, Post Types!”
Just kidding.
In reality, you’ll need to use a little PHP magic, specifically the Register Post Type function. But for now, as beginners, let’s not hop into the details. Just know that there are numerous plugins available that can help you create custom post types without manually coding them.
How to Create Custom Taxonomies
Creating a custom taxonomy is akin to mastering the cloning spell in coding Hogwarts. Here also, you need to use a nifty function called Register Taxonomy. Unlike custom post types, creating a custom taxonomy manually is a bit more straightforward, but plugins are also available if you want to stick to a no-coding rule.
Here concludes our immersive journey into the wild jungles of WordPress and its exotic creatures, Custom Post Types and Taxonomies. Remember, pioneering web magician, in the realm of web development, never cease your exploration and experimentation, and no creature or concept will be too wild for you to conquer.