PHP Interview Questions: What to Expect

PHP Interview Questions: What to Expect image


What is PHP and why is it used?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a widely-used, open source scripting language suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It’s popular for its ease of use, integration capabilities with databases, and for being sufficiently robust for complex web applications. PHP is used to develop dynamic and interactive websites.

Can you explain the difference between “echo” and “print” in PHP?

Both “echo” and “print” are used to output data to the screen in PHP. The main differences are that “echo” has no return value and can accept multiple parameters, whereas “print” has a return value of 1, meaning it can be used in expressions, and can only accept a single argument.

What are PHP sessions and how do they work?

PHP sessions are used to store information about a user across multiple pages. When a session is started on a webpage, PHP allocates a unique identifier for that session, which is then stored on the server. The session variables are stored on the server and can be accessed from any page on the website, during that session. It helps in maintaining state data between page navigations.

Explain the use of “include” and “require” in PHP.

Both “include” and “require” statements are used to insert the content of one PHP file into another. The difference between them is how they handle errors. If the file is not found, “include” will emit a warning but the script will continue to execute, whereas “require” will emit a fatal error, stopping the script execution.

How can you prevent SQL injection in PHP?

To prevent SQL injection, you can use prepared statements and parameterized queries. These techniques ensure that an attacker cannot inject malicious SQL into your code. Using the PDO (PHP Data Objects) extension or MySQLi (MySQL Improved) extension for database connections provides methods to securely bind parameters.

What are some common uses of arrays in PHP?

Arrays in PHP are used to store multiple values in a single variable, making the management of similar items easier. They’re commonly used for: - Storing form data, like multiple checkbox values. - Handling database results, since database queries often return multiple rows. - Configuring application settings, where each setting can be accessed using a key. - Creating complex data structures, like nested arrays for JSON-like storage.

What is a “foreach” loop, and how do you use it in PHP?

The “foreach” loop is a control structure used to iterate over arrays or objects in PHP. It loops through each element of an array or object, allowing the developer to access the key and value of each element during each iteration. It’s particularly useful for associative arrays or object properties where the keys hold meaning.

Explain the concept of inheritance in PHP.

Inheritance in PHP is a principle of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that allows one class (child class) to inherit properties and methods from another class (parent class). This promotes code reuse and can lead to a more hierarchical and organized structure of the code, making it easier to maintain and extend. Inheritance is implemented using the “extends” keyword.

How does error handling work in PHP?

PHP supports several ways to handle errors, including using the “try-catch” block for exception handling, setting error handling functions, and configuring the PHP error reporting level. The “try-catch” method allows you to try a block of code, and catch exceptions that are thrown if an error occurs, making it possible to handle errors gracefully without stopping the script execution.

Describe the use and functionality of namespaces in PHP.

Namespaces in PHP are a way of encasing a set of related classes, interfaces, functions, and constants. They are used to avoid name conflicts between code entities, allowing for better organization and structure in larger applications or when integrating third-party libraries. Namespaces are declared using the “namespace” keyword at the beginning of your PHP files.
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