Using Web Storage API in JavaScript for Local Storage Management

Using Web Storage API in JavaScript for Local Storage Management image


What is the Web Storage API in JavaScript?

The Web Storage API is a feature in JavaScript that allows websites to store data locally within the user’s browser without any expiration date.

What are the two types of web storage in the Web Storage API?

The two types are: Local Storage and Session Storage.

How is data stored in Local Storage different from Session Storage?

Data stored in Local Storage persists even after the browser is closed, while data in Session Storage is cleared when the session ends (i.e., when the browser is closed).

What is the maximum size limit for each type of storage in the Web Storage API?

Both Local Storage and Session Storage can store up to 5MB of data per domain.

How can you check if the browser supports Web Storage API?

You can check if the browser supports it using the following code:javascript if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') { // Web Storage API is supported } else { // Web Storage API is not supported }

How do you store data in Local Storage using the Web Storage API?

You can store data in Local Storage using the `localStorage.setItem()` method. For example:javascript localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

How do you retrieve data from Local Storage using the Web Storage API?

You can retrieve data from Local Storage using the `localStorage.getItem()` method. For example:javascript let data = localStorage.getItem('key'); console.log(data); // Output: 'value'

How can you remove data from Local Storage using the Web Storage API?

You can remove data from Local Storage using the `localStorage.removeItem()` method. For example:javascript localStorage.removeItem('key');

Can you store objects in Local Storage using the Web Storage API?

Yes, you can store objects in Local Storage, but you need to convert them to a string using `JSON.stringify()` before storing and `JSON.parse()` after retrieving to maintain their structure.

How can you clear all data stored in Local Storage using the Web Storage API?

You can clear all data stored in Local Storage using the `localStorage.clear()` method. For example:javascript localStorage.clear();
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