Developing Web Components: UI from jQuery to Polymer

Once upon a time, in a galaxy known as the ‘World Wide Web’, websites were black, white, and full of bright blue hyperlinks. As the internet has evolved, so too has our demand for sleek, sophisticated and interactive websites. Developing web components is a bedrock skill of any successful web developer.
In this guide we’re going to take a magical tour through the fascinating world of web development, hopping from HTML to PHP, pausing for a picnic in CSS, before arriving at our final destination: Javascript and WordPress. So, sit back, grab your laptop, and prepare to tackle ‘UI from jQuery to Polymer’.
HTML: The Bones of Your Website
Imagine you’re building a house. HTML is the bricks-and-mortar of your website, it lays out the foundation and structure for all the other technologies to stand on. But we’re not here for a boring lecture about
<div>, you’ve probably learnt that back at Web Dev Elementary School. Our focus here is to create impactful, meaningful elements that’ll ace any user interaction test.Towards that end, you’d learn to use the
<header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer> tags appropriately. They’re not just fancy substitutes for <div> – using these can drastically improve your website’s SEO and accessibility.CSS: The House Paint for Your Website
Moving on, let’s dive into CSS, the coat of paint that turns the skeletal HTML structure into a vibrant, visually captivating space. Playing around with colors, fonts, and layouts, you’re shaping the way users perceive your website. It’s like being Picasso, but you’re working with code instead of a paintbrush. Plus, you don’t have to cut off your ear if things go awry.
PHP: The Plumbing That Keeps Everything Running
Just as the plumbing works quietly, yet significantly in the background of a home, PHP operates server-side, taking care of data storage, user sessions and more. If your website was a theater, PHP would be the stage crew, hard at work behind the scenes to ensure everything on the front-end runs smoothly.
Javascript: Web Development’s Sharp Dresser
Remember when you zoned out at that fancy cocktail party last month, distracted by that snazzy dresser that was wowing everyone with his charisma? That, dear friend, is JavaScript in the world of web development. It’s smooth, dynamic, and can make things around your site light-up, spin, flip, or pretty much any other party trick you can think of.
WordPress: The Power-Packed Web Machine
We’ve finally arrived at WordPress, a powerful tool that brings all the elements together and adds extra features, like a baker icing a cake and taking it to a whole other level. WordPress is like your handy swiss army knife, equipped with themes, plugins, and widgets, turning your basic site into a customized, user-friendly web masterpiece.
With our journey through the majestic regions of web components now at an end, it’s time to don our developer cap and begin crafting. By mastering HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and WordPress, you will have the makings of a great web developer. All you need is patience, practice, and, most importantly, the willingness to break your site a few times in the pursuit of perfection.