Git Commands Every Web Developer Must Know: A Comprehensive Guide

Git Commands Every Web Developer Must Know: A Comprehensive Guide image


How do I check the version of Git installed on my system?

To check the version of Git installed on your system, you can open your terminal or command prompt and type `git -version`. This command will display the currently installed Git version, which helps in ensuring you’re working with the correct version for your projects.

How can I configure my Git username and email?

Before starting with Git, it’s essential to configure your user name and email address. Use the commands `git config -global “Your Name”` and `git config -global “”` to set your username and email respectively. These details are important as they are included in the commits you make.

What is the Git command to initialize a new repository?

To initialize a new Git repository, navigate to the folder in your terminal or command prompt that you wish to initialize and type `git init`. This command creates a new subdirectory named `.git` that houses all necessary repository files – a Git repository skeleton. A newly initialized repository is essentially empty until you add files to it and make your initial commit.

How do I clone a remote Git repository?

To clone a repository, use the command `git clone [url]`, where `[url]` is the URL of the remote repository you wish to clone. This command copies all the files from the remote repository to your local machine, setting up a local workspace for you to start working directly.

How do I stage files for a commit?

Use the command `git add [file]` to stage a specific file, or `git add .` to stage all changed files in the directory. Staging files prepares them to be included in your next commit, allowing you to selectively add files to your version history.

How can I check the status of my working directory?

To check the status of your working directory and staging area, use `git status`. This command shows which files have been modified and/or staged, helping you keep track of changes and the progress towards your next commit.

What is the command to commit changes?

Commit changes to your repository with the command `git commit -m “Your commit message”`. Replace `”Your commit message”` with a brief description of the changes made. This message helps in documenting your modifications clearly for future reference.

How can I push changes to a remote repository?

After committing your changes locally, use `git push origin [branch-name]` to push your changes to the remote repository. Replace `[branch-name]` with the name of the branch you’re working on. This command updates the remote repository with your latest commits.

How do I pull updates from a remote repository?

To update your local repository to the latest commit, execute `git pull origin [branch-name]`. This command fetches and merges any commits from the tracking remote branch into your local branch, keeping your local repository up to date.

How can I create a new branch?

To create a new branch, use the command `git branch [branch-name]`, where `[branch-name]` is the name you wish to give to the new branch. Creating branches allows you to work on different features or experiments in separate lines of development.

How do I merge branches in Git?

To merge branches, first switch to the branch you want to merge into using `git checkout [branch-name]`. Then, use `git merge [source-branch]` to merge the `[source-branch]` into the current branch. This command combines the histories of the source and the target branch, integrating the changes.
Version control with Git Web Development Best Practices
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