PHP та MySQL: Написання чистого та підтримуваного коду

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PHP та MySQL: Написання чистого та підтримуваного коду image


How can I ensure my PHP and MySQL code is clean and maintainable?

What is the significance of organizing code into functions and classes?

Why is it important to sanitize user input before using it in MySQL queries?

What are some best practices for connecting PHP to MySQL databases securely?

How can I prevent SQL injection attacks in my PHP and MySQL applications?

What are prepared statements, and how do they help in writing secure SQL queries?

Can you provide examples of common code smells to watch out for in PHP and MySQL development?

Why should we avoid using the MySQL extension and switch to MySQLi or PDO?

How can we optimize database queries to improve the performance of our PHP applications?

Розробка бекенда з PHP Вступ до баз даних та MySQL
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