PHP та HTTP-заголовки: Контроль кешування браузера та перенаправлення

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PHP та HTTP-заголовки: Контроль кешування браузера та перенаправлення image


What are HTTP headers?

HTTP headers are additional pieces of information sent alongside an HTTP request or response. They provide metadata about the message, such as the content type, cache control instructions, and more.

How do HTTP headers help control browser caching?

HTTP headers like “Cache-Control” and “Expires” can instruct a web browser on how long it should store a particular resource in its cache before making a new request to the server.

What is browser caching?

Browser caching is a technique used to store web files (such as images, CSS, and JavaScript) temporarily on a user’s device. This helps reduce load times for subsequent visits to the same page.

How can PHP be used to set HTTP headers?

In PHP, you can use the header() function to set HTTP headers. For example, you can set headers for caching, content type, redirection, and more.

What is a ‘302 Found’ HTTP status code used for?

The ‘302 Found’ status code is used for URL redirection. It tells the client that the resource they requested has been temporarily moved to a different location.

How can HTTP headers be used for URL redirection?

By using the “Location” header in an HTTP response with the URL to redirect to, you can inform the client’s browser to automatically navigate to the new location.

What is the difference between ‘301 Moved Permanently’ and ‘302 Found’ in terms of URL redirection?

A ‘301 Moved Permanently’ status code tells the client that the resource has been permanently moved, while a ‘302 Found’ code indicates a temporary redirection.

How can you prevent browser caching for a specific resource using HTTP headers?

You can set cache-control directives like “no-cache” or “no-store” in the HTTP response headers to prevent the browser from caching the particular resource.

Can you explain the difference between ‘Cache-Control: no-cache’ and ‘Cache-Control: no-store’?

Cache-Control: no-cache’ allows the browser to cache the resource, but it must revalidate with the server before serving it, while ‘Cache-Control: no-store’ prohibits caching of the resource altogether.

Why is controlling browser caching important for web performance?

By controlling browser caching, web developers can ensure that web pages load faster for users who visit the site frequently, as the browser can reuse cached resources instead of downloading them anew each time.
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