Розширені CSS: Техніки створення складних макетів

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Розширені CSS: Техніки створення складних макетів image


What does the CSS property “display: flex;” do?

The “display: flex;” property in CSS allows you to create a flexible layout where elements can easily adjust their size and position within a container.

How can you center an element horizontally using CSS?

You can center an element horizontally by applying the “margin: 0 auto;” rule to it, which sets equal margins on the left and right sides of the element.

What is the difference between “inline” and “block” elements in CSS?

Inline elements do not start on a new line and only take up as much width as necessary. Block elements start on a new line and take up the full width available.

How can you create a responsive layout using CSS media queries?

You can create a responsive layout by using CSS media queries to apply different styles based on the screen size, allowing your website to adapt to various devices.

What is the purpose of the CSS box model?

The CSS box model defines the spacing and dimensions of an element, including its content, padding, border, and margin.

How can you create a grid layout using CSS “grid-template-columns” property?

By specifying the desired column sizes within the “grid-template-columns” property, you can create a grid layout where elements align based on the specified column sizes.

What is the difference between “position: relative;” and “position: absolute;” in CSS?

When an element has “position: relative;”, its position is relative to its normal position. With “position: absolute;”, an element is positioned relative to its closest positioned ancestor.

How can you style the first letter of a paragraph using CSS?

You can style the first letter of a paragraph by using the “::first-letter” pseudo-element in CSS to apply specific styles to the first letter within the paragraph.

How do CSS transitions help enhance user experience on a website?

CSS transitions allow for smooth changes in property values, such as color or size, over a specified duration, enhancing the user experience by providing visual feedback.

What are the advantages of using CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS?

CSS preprocessors offer features like variables, nesting, and mixins, which help streamline the styling process, improve code organization, and make CSS more maintainable.
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