PHP для початківців: створення вашого першого веб-додатка

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PHP для початківців: створення вашого першого веб-додатка image


What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for web development. It allows you to create dynamic web pages and interact with databases.

Why should I learn PHP?

Learning PHP opens up many opportunities in web development as it is widely used in building websites, web applications, and content management systems like WordPress.

What do I need to get started with PHP development?

To get started with PHP development, you will need a text editor, a local server environment like XAMPP or WampServer, and a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

How can I run PHP code?

To run PHP code, you need a server that supports PHP. You can test your PHP scripts on a local server environment before uploading them to a live website.

What is the basic syntax of PHP?

The basic syntax of PHP is similar to that of many other programming languages. It includes opening and closing PHP tags , variables, control structures, loops, and functions.

How can I connect PHP to a database?

You can connect PHP to a database like MySQL using the mysqli or PDO extensions. This allows you to perform operations like inserting, updating, deleting, and retrieving data from a database.

Can I create a login system with PHP?

Yes, you can create a login system using PHP to authenticate users and manage their access to specific areas of a website. Security measures like hashing passwords should be implemented.

Is PHP suitable for building e-commerce websites?

PHP is commonly used for building e-commerce websites due to its ability to handle complex backend operations, process payments, manage inventory, and interact with external APIs.

How can I debug PHP code?

You can debug PHP code by using tools like Xdebug, setting up error reporting in your PHP configuration, and using functions like var_dump() and print_r() to inspect variables and values during development.

Where can I find resources to learn PHP?

There are many online resources available to learn PHP, including official documentation on, tutorials on websites like W3Schools and Codecademy, and books specifically focused on PHP development.
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