PHP 7 за легкими кроками: Новий підхід до вивчення PHP

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PHP 7 за легкими кроками: Новий підхід до вивчення PHP image


How does PHP 7 improve performance over previous versions?

PHP 7 introduces a new Zend Engine which results in significant performance boosts.

What is scalar type declaration in PHP 7?

Scalar type declarations enable developers to define the type of variables passed into functions.

What is the spaceship operator () in PHP 7 used for?

The spaceship operator is used for combined comparison, returning 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater.

Can you explain the concept of return type declarations in PHP 7?

Return type declarations allow functions to specify the type of value they will return.

How has error handling changed in PHP 7?

PHP 7 now throws errors as exceptions, making it easier to handle fatal errors in a more systematic way.

What is the null coalescing operator (??) introduced in PHP 7?

The null coalescing operator is used to check if a value is set and not null, providing a default value if it’s not.

What are anonymous classes in PHP 7 and how are they used?

Anonymous classes in PHP 7 allow you to create objects without explicitly defining a class name.

Explain the use of the Closure::call() method in PHP 7.

The Closure::call() method allows you to call a Closure as a method on an object with the specified parameters.

How does PHP 7 improve handling of fatal errors?

PHP 7 introduces the Throwable interface which is implemented by both the Error and Exception classes, enabling consistent handling of all types of errors.

What is the return type of the isset() function in PHP 7?

The isset() function in PHP 7 returns a boolean value, indicating whether a variable is set and not null.
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