Вступ до модулів CSS: Обмежений та компонований CSS

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Вступ до модулів CSS: Обмежений та компонований CSS image


What is the difference between Inline CSS and External CSS?

Inline CSS is applied directly within the HTML elements using the style attribute, while External CSS is a separate file linked to the HTML document for styling.

Why is it important to use External CSS instead of Inline CSS?

Using External CSS allows for better organization of styles, easier maintenance and updating of styles across multiple pages, and helps in keeping the HTML code cleaner and more manageable.

What is the concept of Scoped CSS in relation to Limited and Composable CSS?

Scoped CSS limits the styles defined within a specific section, component, or module, ensuring that the styles do not affect other parts of the page. This helps in creating composable CSS that can be reused without causing unintended side effects.

How can you apply Limited CSS using class selectors?

By using class selectors in CSS, you can target specific elements on the page and apply styles only to those elements, keeping the styling confined to the designated classes.

What is the benefit of using classes for styling in CSS?

Using classes allows for reusable styles that can be applied to multiple elements, promoting consistency in design across the website without the need to duplicate styles.

How does the Cascade in CSS affect the styling of elements?

The Cascade in CSS determines the order in which styles are applied to elements, with styles from different sources like user stylesheets, browser defaults, and author stylesheets being prioritized based on specificity and order.

When should you use the !important declaration in CSS?

The !important declaration should be used sparingly and as a last resort when a style absolutely needs to override other conflicting styles. It is considered a CSS specificity hack and can lead to maintenance issues if used excessively.

What is the difference between the Descendant selector and the Child selector in CSS?

The Descendant selector (space) targets an element that is a descendant of another element, regardless of the level of nesting, while the Child selector (>) targets an element that is a direct child of another element, one level deep.

How can you ensure the modularity of CSS styles for different components on a webpage?

By encapsulating styles within specific classes and using naming conventions like BEM (Block Element Modifier) or SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS), you can create modular CSS styles that are easier to manage and maintain.

Why is it beneficial to separate structure (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript) in web development?

Separating structure, presentation, and behavior in web development follows the principle of separation of concerns, making the codebase more maintainable, scalable, and easier to collaborate on with team members handling different aspects of the project.
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