How to Use Fetch API for AJAX Calls in Modern JavaScript

How to Use Fetch API for AJAX Calls in Modern JavaScript image


Can I use the Fetch API directly in all modern browsers?

Yes, the Fetch API is widely supported across most modern browsers. However, it’s always a good idea to check the latest compatibility on because some older versions might not support it.

What is the basic syntax for making a GET request using Fetch API?

The basic syntax for a GET request is `fetch(‘url’)`. This returns a Promise that resolves to the Response object associated with the request.

How can you convert the fetched response to JSON?

You can convert the response to JSON using the `.json()` method, like so: `fetch(‘url’).then(response => response.json())`.

Is it possible to use Fetch API for making POST requests?

Yes, you can use Fetch for POST requests by adding an options object specifying the method as ‘POST’ and including the body data. For instance: `fetch(‘url’, { method: ‘POST’, headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ }, body: JSON.stringify(data) })`.

How do you handle errors with Fetch API?

You handle errors by adding a catch block at the end of your fetch chains, like so: `fetch(‘url’).then(response => response.json()).catch(error => console.error(‘Error:’, error))`.

Can Fetch API be used with async/await?

Yes, Fetch API works seamlessly with async/await. You can await the response of fetch and then await the conversion to JSON. Example: `async function fetchData() {const response = await fetch(‘url’); const data = await response.json();}`.

How can you set custom headers in a Fetch request?

Custom headers can be set by including a headers object in the options of your fetch request, like this: `fetch(‘url’, { headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer your_token_here’ }})`.

Is Fetch API better than XMLHttpRequest?

While both serve similar purposes, Fetch API is considered more modern and simpler to use, especially with its promise-based nature. However, `XMLHttpRequest` might still be preferred in projects needing to support very old browsers.

Can the Fetch API handle cross-origin requests?

Yes, Fetch can handle CORS requests. If a request is made to a server on a different domain, you might need to set the `mode` in the fetch options to ‘cors’ and ensure the server is configured to allow such requests.

How do you abort a fetch request if it’s taking too long?

You can abort a fetch request using the AbortController interface. Example: `const controller = new AbortController(); fetch(‘url’, { signal: controller.signal }); controller.abort();`.

What are the limitations of Fetch API?

While Fetch API is powerful, it does not directly support request timeouts and uploading files in progress events. For such detailed control, you might need to explore additional libraries or fallbacks.
Event handling and AJAX requests JavaScript Foundations
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