Creating and Manipulating Objects in JavaScript

Creating and Manipulating Objects in JavaScript image


What is an object in JavaScript?

An object in JavaScript is a collection of related data and/or functionality consisting of several variables and functions, which are called properties and methods when inside objects. Objects are used to store keyed collections and more complex entities.

How do I create an object in JavaScript?

You can create an object using object literal syntax, which involves initializing an object with curly braces `{}`, or by using the `new Object()` constructor. Example with literal syntax: `let person = {};`

Can I add properties to an object after it’s been created?

Yes, you can add properties to an existing object at any time using either dot notation or bracket notation. For example, using dot notation: `obj.propertyName = value;` or bracket notation: `obj[“propertyName”] = value;`.

How do I access properties of an object?

Properties can be accessed either through dot notation (e.g., `obj.propertyName`) or bracket notation (e.g., `obj[“propertyName”]`). Dot notation is shorter and more readable, while bracket notation is useful when dealing with properties with special characters or variables as keys.

How can I delete a property from an object?

To remove a property from an object, use the `delete` operator. For example, `delete obj.propertyName;` will remove the property `propertyName` from the object `obj`.

What is a method in the context of JavaScript objects?

A method is a function that is a property of an object. Methods are defined the same way as a function, except they are assigned as a property of an object. Methods can access and manipulate the data of the object it belongs to.

How can I iterate over an object’s properties?

You can iterate over an object’s properties using a `for…in` loop, which traverses all enumerable properties of an object. For example, `for(let key in obj) { console.log(key + “: ” + obj[key]); }`.

What is the difference between primitive values and object references in JavaScript?

Primitive values (such as numbers, strings, and booleans) are stored directly as the value itself and are immutable, while object references point to a memory location where the object is stored. Therefore, when manipulating an object, you’re working with a reference to its memory address, not the actual value.

How can I copy an object in JavaScript?

To create a shallow copy, you can use the Object.assign method or the spread operator `{…obj}`. For a deep copy, where nested objects are also copied, you could use JSON serialization or a deep copy function.

Are objects in JavaScript passed by value or by reference?

Objects in JavaScript are passed by reference. That means if you assign an object to another variable or pass an object to a function, any changes made to that object will reflect in all references to it.
Functions and objects JavaScript Foundations
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