Learning PHP: A Guide for Aspiring Web Developers

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen—and cats who’ve walked across the keyboard and somehow landed here—to the spectacular, magical, and sometimes downright mind-boggling world of PHP. “What’s that?” you might ask. No, it’s not the sound you make when you sneeze. It stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”—which might not mean a whole lot to you right now, but don’t worry, that’s about to change!
Why PHP?
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Like a trusty canine companion, PHP is a web developer’s best friend. It’s been around the block a few times, powering up websites since 1995, and it’s still going strong. The WordPress world, in particular, loves to get down and boogie with PHP. Close to 80% of the web is powered by it. To be recognized as a bona fide web developer, understanding PHP is an essential notch on your coding belt. Like breakfast in a superhero’s day, it’s an essential part of your web-developing, crime-fighting toolkit.
PHP – A Bit of History and Some Fun Facts
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As we journey through the land of PHP, let’s take a moment to appreciate its origins. PHP has a humble beginning as a set of Common Gateway Interface binaries written in the C programming language by the Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. Today, PHP is everywhere and is utilised by a vast number of applications and organisations such as Facebook, Tumblr, and Slack, to name a few. But enough with the museum tour! Let’s dive into PHP’s pool of possibilities!
Mastering PHP—The Basics
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Variables and Data Types
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The first step along this yellow brick road is understanding PHP variables and data types. Variables are like mailboxes for your data—each one has a name, and they store different things. You might have a $myDog variable storing the string “Fido”, or a $myAge storing the number 30 (or 21, if you prefer!). PHP has eight different data types, so you could say it’s a bit of an overachiever in that department.
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Next up in our PHP revelries, we have loops — not the cereal or music type — we’re talking code loops. Whether your favorite punchline is ‘while’, ‘for’, ‘foreach’ or ‘do while’, PHP has you covered. Loops are a way to execute the same bit of code multiple times without having to re-write it.
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PHP, like any good party host, comes with a whole bunch of built-in functions. These are pre-written chunks of code that accomplish specific tasks, making your life as a developer so much easier. If you’re still scratching your head, think of a function like a microwave dinner—someone else has done the hard work, and all you need to do is heat it up!
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By now, I hope you’re feeling PHP’s vibe and are ready to embark on this coding adventure. Remember that every cool web developer has once been where you are now, staring into the PHP abyss. It might look daunting, but with patience, practice, and plenty of coffee, you’ll master PHP in no time, and when you do, the digital world will be your oyster—or should we say, your lobster?
Well, that’s it for our beginner’s guide to PHP, folks! Stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating world of web development. And remember, as with any journey, it’s not just about the destination, but also about the fun and learning you experience along the way!