Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript: An Introduction

Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript: An Introduction image


What is the DOM in web development?

The DOM, or Document Object Model, refers to an interface that allows programming languages, like JavaScript, to interact with and manipulate the structure, style, and content of a website. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content.

How does JavaScript manipulate the DOM?

JavaScript manipulates the DOM by using built-in methods and properties to select and modify elements within the web page. These changes can include altering text, attributes, and styles, as well as responding to user actions through event listeners.

What is a ‘node’ in the context of the DOM?

In the DOM, a node represents a single point in the document tree and can be an element, attribute, text, comment, or document itself. Each element, such as a paragraph or image, becomes a node that can be manipulated using JavaScript.

How can you select an element in the DOM using JavaScript?

To select an element in the DOM, JavaScript provides several methods, such as `getElementById()`, `getElementsByTagName()`, `getElementsByClassName()`, and `querySelector()`, which allow you to select elements by their ID, tag name, class name, or a more complex CSS selector, respectively.

Can you create new elements in the DOM with JavaScript? How?

Yes, you can create new elements in the DOM using JavaScript. This is done using the `createElement()` method. After creating an element, you can add it to the DOM using methods like `appendChild()` or `insertBefore()`.

How can you remove elements from the DOM with JavaScript?

To remove an element from the DOM, you can use the `removeChild()` method, which requires selecting the parent of the element to be removed first. There is also a newer method, `remove()`, that allows an element to remove itself from the parent without needing to specifically select the parent.

How can you add an event listener to a DOM element with JavaScript?

You can add an event listener to a DOM element using the `addEventListener()` method. This method takes two arguments: the event type (e.g., ‘click’, ‘mouseover’) and the callback function that executes when the event occurs.

How does modifying CSS through JavaScript affect the page’s performance?

Modifying CSS through JavaScript can affect the page’s performance, especially if done excessively or improperly, as it may cause browser reflows or repaints. However, judicious use, such as minimizing direct style changes and aggregating multiple changes, can mitigate performance impacts.

What is the best practice for manipulating the DOM? Is it better to make many small changes or fewer large changes?

The best practice for manipulating the DOM is to make fewer, larger changes rather than many small ones. Batching updates and changes minimize browser reflows and repaints, improving the performance and responsiveness of a web page.

Can JavaScript directly modify the HTML source code?

JavaScript cannot directly modify the HTML source code as it was initially delivered by the server. However, it can dynamically change the HTML of a page’s DOM, which is the browser’s in-memory representation of the HTML. These changes are reflected in the live view of the page but not in the original source.
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript Foundations
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