WordPress Development: How to Effectively Debug Your Site

WordPress Development: How to Effectively Debug Your Site image


How do I enable debugging in WordPress?

To enable debugging in WordPress, open your wp-config.php file and add the following line of code: `define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);`. This enables the WP_DEBUG mode, which displays PHP errors on your site. For a more in-depth debug mode, you can also turn on `WP_DEBUG_LOG` and `WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY`.

What is the `WP_DEBUG_LOG` and how do I use it?**

WP_DEBUG_LOG` is a companion to `WP_DEBUG` that causes all errors to be saved to a debug.log file inside the `wp-content` directory. To use it, simply add `define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);` in your wp-config.php file. This allows you to review errors without showing them to your site’s visitors.

Can I still debug my site without showing errors to visitors?

Yes, by setting `WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY` to false. This hides errors from being displayed on your site but you can still log these errors if `WP_DEBUG_LOG` is set to true. Combine them in your wp-config.php: `define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);` and `define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);`.

What tools can I use for debugging JavaScript issues in WordPress?

For JavaScript debugging, browser developer tools like Google Chrome’s Developer Tools or Firefox Developer Edition are highly recommended. These tools allow you to inspect HTML/CSS, console logs, and network requests, and use breakpoints to debug JS code.

How can I troubleshoot WordPress plugin conflicts?

To troubleshoot plugin conflicts, deactivate all your plugins and then reactivate them one by one. After each activation, check your site’s functionality. This process helps identify the plugin causing the issue. Additionally, use the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin which allows you to troubleshoot without affecting site visitors.

Why is my CSS not applying changes on the WordPress site?

If your CSS changes are not reflected, it may be due to browser caching or a caching plugin. Try clearing your browser cache and your site’s cache. Additionally, ensure that your style.css version is updated in the enqueue function within your theme’s functions.php file for cache busting.

What are some common PHP errors in WordPress, and how do I solve them?

Common PHP errors include the White Screen of Death (WSOD), syntax errors, and the maximum execution time exceeded. Enable WP_DEBUG to identify the issue. Solutions may involve increasing memory limits, fixing syntax errors in the code, or deactivating problematic plugins/themes.

How do I inspect network requests for my WordPress site?

Use browser developer tools (Chrome Developer Tools or Firefox Developer Edition) and navigate to the ‘Network’ tab. Reload your WordPress site, and you’ll see all the network requests made by your site. This is useful for debugging slow loading times or failed requests.

What is Query Monitor, and how can it help in WordPress development?

Query Monitor is a plugin that allows developers to view their site’s database queries, hooks, conditionals, HTTP API calls, and more. It’s invaluable for debugging performance issues, understanding which plugins are making certain queries, and optimizing your site’s performance.

How can I ensure my WordPress theme is error-free?

Regularly testing your theme with WP_DEBUG enabled is essential. Use theme check plugins to identify any compliance issues with WordPress coding standards. Also, test your theme with different plugins and under various conditions to ensure compatibility and smooth functionality.
Testing and debugging techniques Web Development Best Practices
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